It was ninety degrees today, summer persisting deep into September, and the instant school let out for the day the boys and I high-tailed it to Hammerman Beach. This is the point where the Big Gunpowder Falls empties into the Chesapeake Bay, and we have been swimming there since Jack was a baby. In recent years we'd evolved the tradition of celebrating the last day of school with a trip to Hammerman, but in the disruption of this particularly chaotic summer we missed our last day of school date with the murky waters there.
Happy to have made it there today. Happy to have made some pictures I really like. Tomorrow is another day and I aspire to make another photo and post it here. One day at a time.
The image above was actually one of the very last I made during our several hours lingering in the waves. We had gotten out of the water, dried off, eaten snacks, fed seagulls, and were getting ready to go when the boys begged suddenly to get back in the water. "Please, mam, it's the last day of summer," Jack pleaded. Go, go. When summer calls, go.
The boys spent the majority of the time not exactly was more like nonstop wrestling in the water, punctuated by the throwing of fistfuls of silty sand from the bay bottom.
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