Cautious optimism about this daily photo habit I've quietly started. Re-started. Re-re-restarted. But one day at a time. Today was very stressful, all day at home dealing with my Apple id getting hacked. Boy does that have lengthy, complicated tendrils into all sorts of unexpected areas of a person's life. On multiple devices -- we are an iFamily, so there were three iPhones, two iPads, two MacBooks and one iMac involved in this fun little rodeo. So, yeah, the past 24 hours have been beyond stressful, and once things were dealt with to the point where everything is hopeful damage-controlled as possible (pause for a moment of intense gratitude for my brother Kevin, who spent hours on the phone with me figuring out exactly what happened, and then what to do about it).
Once things were more or less brought under control, it was late afternoon. I got a small bit of work done, but today feels at last like the first true day of autumn. What better way to release some stress and put myself in the way of some potential photographs than a hike along the Gunpowder? This was a new trail for me, and I liked it a great deal.
I used to have a rule, in previous photo a day projects, where I could only post one image. This being a new undertaking, I'm thinking why not show multiple images if I like them or have something to say about making them. Like, the fairly un-interesting photo of the trees across the river wasn't working, but as I turned away from that view i happened to point the phone down, and caught sight of the sky and trees reflected at the water's edge -- an image I really like and nearly selected as "the" photo for today.
And the blaze -- the first photo I took upon commencing the hike. To remind myself of my quiet vow that I will hike the Appalachian Trail. Though of course that is the iconic white blaze, not this trail's flashy yellow. But in learning to meditate, which I've been doing recently, you think a great deal about mindfulness, being in the moment. So today's trail today. Om padme mani home.
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