Sunday, September 4, 2011

day 55

Driving home from Dundalk after spending an evening with my cousin Val and his family on their boat, the Echo Sound. I already had a photo of the day, a safe shot easily made earlier in the day without much feeling. On our way down Merritt Boulevard I spotted this parking lot outside a grocery store closing for the evening, the lone stranded shopping cart, and it tweaked my eye. It was late (for us, anyway) and everyone was tired so I nearly kept on going but, for the first time in awhile, the impetus to make a particular picture presented itself. I pulled into the lot, told the boys what I was doing, and hopped out to take the photo -- just as an employee started trucking over to retrieve the cart. I managed one shot, not at all the shot I would have liked to have worked into over a series of exposures, but for today's photo I think the significance of stopping outweighs any pictorial merits.

I've said this to several people in the past few days, but I feel like I'm in recovery from some long malady. I'm still so fragile and tired and easily depleted, but at the same time feel more like myself than I have in some time. It's the sensation of having been rather seriously ill for awhile, and only when you finally begin getting better, finally start feeling once more like at least a pale semblance of your normal self, do you realize how under the weather you actually were.

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