Yesterday, I just realized, I never made a photo. A nice slow Sunday around the house, I actually worked through the afternoon, we watched Blade Runner, and I just. Completely. Forgot. to make a photo.
And I *almost* forgot today! But Coley and I were messing around in the chicken yard and it occurred to me, oh yeah, pictures.
So should I put a reminder in my phone? One of the residual side effects of having Lyme disease is cognitive issues, including focus, mental fog, and difficulty with short-term memory. I jokingly call my phone "my outsourced brain" because I have to put everything in there -- when to renew library books. Remember to take my contact lenses to my optometrist appointment. Etc.
This is important. I wanted it to be something that took on life and weight of its own, but instead I feel like it's slipping away. So I just set up a daily reminder in my phone: 5:44 pm each day it will ask, did you make a picture yet?
Also I'm not exercising enough. So after the posting is done I'm going to go do the NYT Scientific Seven Minute work out. It's scientific so it has to be good, right? All I really feel capable of these days so it will need to suffice.
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