Thursday, January 24, 2013

2 - Onward, and Upward

Goofing in the kitchen, Tuesday morning before school.  Cole in his size 6 shark underpants, doing his best imitation of a rocket blasting off.  "Mama, watch me. Mama look, I'm a rocket. Mama, WATCH!!!!  Fiiiiiire...POWER!"

That's when the urge woke up from its long slumber, tucked way back in a dark corner of my brain.  Yawned, turned over, then reared itself up and looked me square in the eye: start posting photos again, girl. And I realized I want to. A quiet third attempt at completeing a 365 photo project. Why now? Things are as unsteady and unreliable in my life these days as they've been during the first two go-rounds -- I'm in even more dire financial straits these days, not enough work coming my way and I rarely even get an acknowledgement that I've sent my resume, much less an interview, when I've applied for jobs. Other fun goings-on include being in the nerve-wracking end game of divorce negotiations, and watching mostly helplessly as my younger son struggles unhappily with school and life in general. All this stress and existential wear and tear is manifesting itself physically -- I'm still on the tail end of a monthlong bout with pneumonia.  So. Not a promising set of circumstances for success this time around. But perhaps the third time's the charm.

My beloved friend Amy, who commenced her own 365 over the summer, was very supportive when I finally confessed how it's hard for me to visit her 365 site and admire the brave, creative work she's doing (  "It's very difficult to maintain creativity when personal stress is so thick. I have been there and I know I did very little during that time," she wrote. "The important thing is to care for yourself as much as you can and just give yourself a pass. Once you feel like being creative you'll know things are healing."

Here's to healing.

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