Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 14

Eek. So today was the first day I almost blew my commitment to a daily photo -- it was a long, emotionally and physically draining day with lots going on. Dropping off the boys so they could depart for a week at the beach with their dad -- I've never been away from them for more than 96 hours, and that only once -- and that time the heartache of missing them nearly killed me. Thus this even-longer stretch is going to be long and wide and very very hard to get through, and I am so very grateful to have this project as a positive distraction.

So after saying goodbye to the boys I went to the gym for a couple of cathartic hours, and then got home and thought, 'I'm already sweaty, why not work in the garden?' -- at noon, in strong sun and 99 degree heat. Not surprisingly I ended up with heat stroke, failing to notice in my distraught state the attendant headache, dizziness, etc. until I literally almost passed out amid the okra. It took me literally nine hours, plus a quart of Gatorade, to stop feeling downright feeble. I was finally feeling semi-human again when it occurred to me it was 10:30 pm and I had yet to make a picture. So I got out of bed and practiced a little low-light iPhone photography. (Very little -- 3 frames, my knees were weirdly wobbly and I had a residual ice-pick-in-the-skull headache that still hasn't totally gone away, 36 hours later). Resultant photo not exciting, but the feeling of accomplishment to be undergoing such an arduous day and still able to fulfill my commitment, however feebly, was a life-saver. A little light in the darkness is always a good thing.

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